Education gives us an understanding of the world around us and offers us an opportunity to use that knowledge wisely.

About The School
Our Philosphy
Fostering character building, nurturing scientific temperament and strengthening social bonds are our constant endeavors. It includes all the academic work, the revisions, homework, additional preparation etc. as well as the cultural aspect so as to ensure a balanced development of the personality of the child. We guide children to help them adjust to a tough, changing world, socially and emotionally. We help our students to master the expanding horizons of technology and also become the representatives of Punjabi ethos and culture.

Schedule Overview
Math Unit I: Patterning
- increasing patterns
- decreasing patterns
- pattern rule
- pattern core
- attributes
LA Unit IV: Reading, response, retelling story, journal writing, grammar, vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms
Science : Energy for life. The study of sources of energy to sustain life, food chains and interdependence of organisms in community to live.
Socials: Aspects of life shared by and common to peoples and cultures.

Class Schedule
This is your Schedule Item.
Tasks and Tests
Things to Remember

Mid-Term Assessment
This is your tests and assignments section.

Unit Exam
This is your tests and assignments section.
Contact Me
For enquiries about me or my class, get in touch today.
Room-Number 102, Grade - 3, Section - A
Building #2, GAD School Surrey, BC